Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

DOS v.s. Linux command


Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan sedikit membandingkan antara perintah windows dengan perintah yang ada di linux, mari kita kaji dengan seksama.

Sistem operasi DOS dan Linux memiliki beberapa persamaan Perintah. Sebagai bahan referensi, saya akan memaparkan perintah-perintah yang memiliki arti yang sama diantara kedua OS tersebut. Mungkin tidak semua perintah yang dapat disampaikan sesuai kemampuan saya.

DOS Linux Penjelasan
assign ln Create a file or directory link
/? man Help about the command
break on trap Trap ctrl-break / Trap signals
cd cd Change directory
chdir pwd Display directory location
cls clear Clear screen
copy cp Copy a file
date date Displays or sets the date
del rm Deletes one or more files
dir ls Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory

DOS Linux Penjelasan
doskey /h history history List command history
echo echo Displays messages, or turns command-echoing on or off
edit vim (or other editor) Editor to edit files
exit exit Exit the command prompt
fc diff Compare two files and show differences
find grep Searches for a text string in a file or files
format mke2fs or mformat Formats a disk
find grep Look for a word in files given in command line
hostname hostname Print host name of computer
ipconfig ifconfig Display/configure network interface
mem free Displays the amount of used and free memory in your system
mkdir mkdir Create a Directory
more more or even less Displays output one screen at a time
move mv Moves files and renames files and directories
ping ping Send packets to a network host
route print route -n Print routing table
reboot shutdown -r now Reboot system
ren mv Renames a file or files
set set or env List all environment variables
tracert traceroute Show routes and router hops to given network destination
time date Displays or sets the system time
tasklist ps -aux top top List executable name, process ID number and memory usage of active processes
type cat Dump contents of a file to users screen
ver Uname -a Operating system/shell version
win startx Start x-windows
xcopy cp -R Copy all file of directory recursively


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